I got into Beijing, just, as Gmail doesn't work in China and I only had an electronic copy of my onward flight, so border patrol was sketchy about letting me in. Again I baulked at leaving my hotel to go see the Great wall as I was stuffed from getting into china at 0300 that morning, so what I saw of Beijing was the airport and what I could see out of the airport hotel room window.
After my 1 &1/2 night stay, I headed to the airport on Sunday to get a flight to Hong Kong and then onwards to Shanghai to renew my visa. But a typhoon in Hong Kong had closed all Mainland China flights in or out of the airport. So I got stuck for another night in Beijing and missed going to Disney Shanghai the next day. You could say is was shanghaied in Beijing.
Luckily on Monday the flights resumed and we hopped on our plane at 1230, but due to the extra busyness of the airports catch up flights, we sat in the plane, on the tarmac till 1500 before lift off. I arrived in Hong Kong at 1900 after 1 hour in a holding pattern. Then hopped on a 2200 flight to Shanghai, which arrived at 0200 Tuesday morning. I then hopped on my original 0600 Tuesday morning flight back to the Gold Coast via an 8hr Kuala Lumpur layover. I then eventually arrived on the Gold Coast at 0900 Wednesday morning after leaving Beijing at 1230 Monday afternoon. What an absolute terror trying to get home turned out to be and no Disney Shanghai to top it off.
Talk soon