Hi guys
Made it to Kansas city (of which the majority is actually in Missouri not Kansas) but it is soooo cold here (bloody 6.6 degrees C on my walk to the greyhound station this morning at 0900). So therefore I stayed indoors for the 3 nights that I was here except for going out to the movies (saw Chips and Power Rangers) and hitting up the local takeaway places (pictured). I found an establishment that named themselves after me (pictured) and I am still amazed at the serving portions here in the US (pictured is a large fries). Not much to take pictures of, so I just binge watched the Santa Clarita Diet (recommended to anyway who can stomach gory stuff) and stayed warm in bed. Seriously it's one month into spring here and I'm still using my winter coat every day. What is going on?
Talk from Omaha Nebraska